May 14, 2024

ZarCom Media

ZarCom Media

The Exceptional Intolerance (of the Other)

6 min read

“Intolerance:” [definition]: exceptional sensitivity (as to a drug); specifically : inability to properly metabolize or absorb a substance}

There seems to be a widespread brain drain of Taiwanese talents migrating to China for the benefits of a better life there. There are  also many French talents (especially in the movie industry) who are leaving France to work in Hollywood. Of course Hollywood only accepts those who follow the rules set by the tenants of Hollywood. Good for those who are able to attract the other Talents in this world in order to upgrade their own mediocrity.

Out of 25 people who run the 12 main film Hollywood studios, 21 are Jewish, or 84%. In 1996 Marlon Branco asserted on Larry King show that 19 out of 20 studio execs were Jewish and that Jews “own Hollywood. Of course later Brando had to excuse himself for such a straightforward opinion.

But in all cases, those who recruit the begging talents who need recognition in any part of the world, are always in search of the Exceptional-ism that makes the “Chosen Ones” the same as the “Elite”. That is one of the tools for maintaining order in the World.

“Before the early 1990s, New World Order conspiracism was limited to two American countercultures, primarily the militantly anti-government right and secondarily that part of fundamentalist Christianity concerned with the end-time emergence of the Antichrist.”

New World Order (conspiracy theory)

Today, the low population growth in Europe and the United States, and the need for jobs and talents which could reshape these societies which are economically and socially on decline, has become another reason for the politics of Talent/Low-Cost Worker-grabbing. So, maybe this is another reason for those who think that grass is greener at the neighbors house…

Of course, in the central Asian region, countries are so abundant with oil and other God given underground  wealth that they don’t feel the need to steal it from other people’s land or countries. This land grabbing and re-ordering regime changes in other parts of the world that is undertaken by the Western “Elite”, is the way other nations can survive and maintain themselves as the Big Bosses of the World.

And maybe that is the main reason to why the two most important industries in the US and UK are the Weapons industry and the Drugs industry. One industry is for killing  people physically (you can call it “defense” if you like) , and the other is to make me people fall asleep in their ignorance (or forget the pain of the crimes they perpetrate). Just to get an idea of the benefits from consumer drugs, in 2012, over $3bn were paid in fines by British Glaxo SmithKline, for promoting Paxil for depression to under-18 year olds.

What’s striking is that there’s no research evidence showing that… when you look for it, all you find are harms.”

Barbara Mintzes, Associate professor at the University of British Columbia School of Population and Public Health.

It is interesting to point to the effects of antidepressant drugs taken by an estimated 14 percent of US pregnant women  and the environmental outcome which is routinely detected in drinking water supplies. Also the use of Prozac (fluoxetine) was associated with two birth defects, including heart wall defects and abnormal skull shape (craniosynostosis). Therefore according to the studies, 10 out of 10,000 women may give birth to a baby with a heart defect but this increased to 24 out of 10,000 among those using Paxil.

Faked X-ray reports. Forged retinal scans. Phony lab tests. Secretly amputated limbs. All done in the name of science when researchers thought that nobody was watching. That misconduct happens isn’t shocking.

Charles Seife (Slate Mag Feb 9 2015)

An “Exception-list” vision of the future of humankind is being set, as the trend for researchers and even artists, which can feed the agendas of the “Elite”. Saving the planet is no longer a necessity, choosing the few who will eventually be saved by the “ship” is the priority. And to give good conscience (and not miss the other “best” out of the lot), some other nations are considered as meriting the ticket to survival.

In Iran, except for a Revolution that made reached many “followers” (without any Western Mass media support and publicity), there were mostly Iranian artists and filmmakers who in past years made the most impact around the world in the past 40 years…Today the military resistance and self-determinations against unjustified sanctions has given the political celebrity status to the country.

Meanwhile Islam, has become the fastest growing religion on the planet. Despite the desperate push to show it otherwise this upgraded monotheist religion has the most tolerant aspect to it which is that it makes no difference between those who believe in it. No need to justify a race or a tribe. Being “tasleem” (submitted) to God not only puts all the Jews and Christians who have true belief in the Unique God under the same umbrella , but it also makes no difference between a person born in a Muslim family, and a non-believer person who willingly chooses to become a Unique believer in God.

But clearly when one observes the Western media and the reactions of those who have the VIP access to the high towers of the God-fathers/mothers of this world, what is shown of Islam (and the 2 Billion) people who have a different religion than the Western societies, has only been a face of Terror and Violence.

To find a solution to keep the Arab sponsors but get rid of the Iranian moderate version of Islam, the Political market managers found a parenthesis they could bold out in their anti-Islam slogans. The Shiite/Sunni difference of interpretation of the latest and most updated monotheist religion in the world.

It falls back to the fact that some people are exceptionally intolerant to the notion that other people choose to believe in a same God, which is the real alpha and omega of Life as we know it.

Also by bringing down statues (Confederate American Generals or Buddhas), or erasing words and true stories, one can’t erase the real HardDrive that is recording every one of our moves, actions  and reactions. A driver recording any leaf that falls from a tree.

Compassion is not a flag to carry only when necessary. Compassion is an inner gut feeling that does not judge the color of a drowning person in need of help.

Also one can be intolerant : to colonialism (like Gandhi and Nelson Mandela); to animal cruelty; to poverty; to racial hatred  or to milk (-intolerant)…

Of course certain political scientists are concerned over the “mass hysteria” which could eventually have devastating effects on American political life. A scenario which could have been written the best writers in Hollywood. But reality TV is already showing us the rise of the “lone-wolf terrorism” and the “ultra-nationalists” who seem to have accepted to play their roles in this wide scale Top of the Media chart Event.

Today Exceptional-ism has become one of the flags on a stake carried by “drug-stuffed-Revoltees”. Those intolerant to others. The other history, the other truth, the other culture and the other belief. But only God knows who is on the path that will lead to the true exceptionalism that defines the value of Humanity over the other creatures on this planet.




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